First cooked game

First Cooked Game

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Change Log

  • Added Behavior Tree
  • Enemy behavior (Idle, Chase, Attack, Stunned, Death)
  • Added Test Area
  • Added Stunned state for both players and AI
  • Added Stamina System
  • Added Boss arena with Door interactable

Use of behavior trees

I have used behavior trees instead of state machines since I have already implemented a state machine in another project. It was refreshing to use as I can easily add nodes and be able to visually debug the behavior of the AI. And in Flax engine, it is really easy to implement but hard to create since you have to create your nodes from scratch.

First cooked build

There are currently bugs that I have found but I wanted to publish to the current state of the game and gain some feedback from friends and randos. Since I am also going into a 1 month hiatus for vacation.


Create boss behavior


First 43 MB
46 days ago

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